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Your gift will make ten times the impact.

Dear Friend,

I want to introduce you to Yanet, who I met in a small Nicaraguan village.

She had to flee her abusive husband to save her life and the lives of her children. Luckily, she and her family escaped to a new home, but with no income and no hope in sight, they were struggling to survive. Their only source of food was Yanet’s tiny vegetable garden.

All that changed when Yanet signed up for hands-on farming workshops. I led those Cuso International sessions along with our local partner, ASOMUPRO. The women learned how to raise enough crops to feed their families and sell the surplus at market. It was incredible to see Yanet break out of her shell, speak up at meetings and offer exciting ideas on improving her village.

Please give now and your gift will be matched nine times!

Thanks to support from the Government of Canada through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), a gift of $100 will become $1000 to give a hand up to someone like Yanet.

Eventually, Yanet became a founding member of a co-op, where participants work together and share resources. Today, her whole community reaps the benefits of having fresh, healthy food available at fair prices.

Thanks to our amazing Cuso International supporters, Yanet improved her standard of living by moving from subsistence farming to entrepreneurship. Best of all, she’s taken full control of her life for the first time since bravely leaving her husband.

Please donate now — so that more skilled volunteers like me can help more people like Yanet lift themselves out of poverty.

To make the biggest impact, consider giving monthly. Most Cuso International projects carry on for years so ongoing support is crucial. Your monthly gift will be matched nine times by DFATD, too.

Thank you very much for your generosity.

Chrissy Fair

Chrissy Fair
Cuso International Returned Volunteer

Every $1 has the power of $10

Donate Now!


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200-44 Eccles Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1R 6S4
T. 1.888.434.2876, Ext. 222

Cuso International is a development organization that works to reduce poverty and inequality through the efforts of highly skilled volunteers, collaborative partnerships and compassionate donors. Established in 1961, Cuso International is a registered charity in Canada (number 81111 6813 RR0001) and the United States.

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